Global Variations: Panini and Sandwiches from Around the World

The humble sandwich, a universal food item, has been adapted and reinvented in countless ways across the globe. From the Italian panini to the Vietnamese banh mi, each culture adds its unique twist to this versatile dish. This blog post will take you on a culinary journey around the world, showcasing some of the most delicious and distinctive panini and sandwiches that are worth trying.

Italian Panini: The Classic Delight

When it comes to sandwiches, Italy's contribution cannot be overlooked. The Italian panini is a grilled sandwich made from a small roll or loaf of bread, typically filled with deli ingredients like ham, cheese, and salami. Unlike many other sandwiches, paninis are served warm after being pressed by a warming grill. They are famous for their crispy exterior and warm, gooey interior.

The beauty of paninis lies in their simplicity and versatility. You can experiment with different types of bread like ciabatta or baguette and fillings ranging from classic mozzarella-tomato-basil combo to more gourmet options like brie cheese with fig jam.

From the Italian panini to the Vietnamese banh mi, Sunny Side Kitchen has it all!

American Subs: A Hearty Feast

Moving across the Atlantic Ocean to America, we encounter another variation of the sandwich - the sub. Named after its submarine-like shape, this sandwich is known for its generous size and hearty fillings. It typically consists of a long roll of bread split widthwise into two pieces and filled with a variety of meats, cheeses, vegetables, seasonings, and sauces.

One popular version is the Italian sub which includes various Italian cold cuts like salami or capicola topped with provolone cheese, lettuce, tomatoes onions and drizzled with an oil-vinegar dressing. Whether you're grabbing lunch on-the-go or planning a picnic in the park; subs make for an easy-to-eat yet satisfying meal.

Whether you're grabbing lunch on-the-go or planning a picnic in the park; Our sandwiches are easy-to-eat yet satisfying meal.

Argentinian Choripan: A Street Food Star

Last but not least on our global sandwich tour is Argentina's beloved choripan. This street food star consists of a grilled chorizo sausage split down the middle and served in a crusty bread roll. It's typically topped with chimichurri sauce - a tangy green sauce made from parsley, garlic, vinegar and oil.

The combination of the smoky sausage with the zesty chimichurri makes for an irresistible bite. Whether enjoyed at a soccer match or as an appetizer at an asado (Argentinian barbecue), choripan is a must-try for any sandwich lover.


Sandwiches are a universal delight, whether it's paninis, subs, banh mis, or choripans. They're like a global journey of flavors, each one telling a story about the place it comes from. And when you're in the mood for a tasty, organic panini, check out Sunny Side Kitchen. They've got just what you're craving.

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